The Lewis County Historical Society relies on member support. Thanks to the generous support of our growing membership, the Lewis County Historical Society, along with its historic Temple building, Research Center and Greystone facilities, continues to move forward into the 21st century as Lewis County’s leading institution for history education and heritage tourism. Thank you!
Membership Rates
- Senior/Student Annual Membership:$25
- Individual Annual Membership:$35
- Family Annual Membership:$50
- Individual Life Membership:$300
Become a Member or Renew Your Membership
You can purchase a membership (or renew your membership) through this site using the links below.
To purchase or renew online select “purchase membership online”. You may also print out a copy of the membership application and mail it to the Lewis County Historical Society. Applications may also be filled out in person at the Historical Society as well.
Benefits of Membership
A Subscription to the Society’s Journal
Our highly-regarded Journal keeps you informed of the history of our lovely county through special features, articles and stories of local historical interest.
10% Discount
On the many books, publications and gifts available at the Society’s onsite gift shop, which caters to local authors and topics of historical interest to Lewis County, Tug Hill and the Adirondacks.
Free or Discounted Admission
To the Society’s exhibit gallery and many of the programs and activities always taking place at the museum, which includes special exhibits, demonstrations, lectures and presentations.
Email Notifications
To the many programs and activities taking place at the Society: from our Brown Bag Lunch program to our Black River Concert series; from special exhibits to ongoing projects; and from events at Greystone to holiday festivities at the Society.
Free Use of Our Resource Center
Our research center houses rare photographs, books, directories, manuscripts, newspapers and other periodicals, maps, and reference files valued by educators, researchers, writers, and others interested in the area’s history. Researching family genealogy is one of its most popular uses.
Rewarding Opportunities
To volunteer your time and talents on projects ranging from the holiday festival, our concert series, the restoration of Greystone and the recording of personal histories, to maintaining the Society’s collections, to helping others enjoy them.
Special Opportunities
To share your collections and historical interest with others, including members and staff.
Full Voting Privileges
To help shape the Society’s future.
To the Society’s special member-only events.