The Brown Bag Lunch program is a popular lunchtime lecture series put on by the Lewis County Historical Society that is both free and open to the public. Generally held once a month (during non-summer months) in the Blue Room of The Temple, various lecturers are invited to put on programs of local or historical interest. Some of the recent programs given at our lunches: Dog Days in the Adirondacks (the use of dogs in the Adirondacks); the History and Making of Bowling Pins in Lewis County; 19th Century Outdoorswomen; Food for Thought (a history of food in the Adirondacks); Women’s Fashion During the Civil War; the Schools of Croghan; Veterans of Lewis County; and Bee Keeping in the North County.
These presentations typically last about an hour or less, and thus fit in nicely during the lunch hour. Bring your lunch; beverages will be provided.
LCHS Brown Bag Lunch – Jerry Perrin LCHS Brown Bag Lunch – Hallie Bond